[ quake2 maps ] |
A small deathmatch level designed for 1-on-1
matches, although you could squeeze up to 5 players into
it. A space/void level, with few places to hide. I made
this map when I mainly played Quake 2 on a LAN (using PC's
that couldn't run Q3A) against one other person ... ah, the
purity of 1-on-1 DM :) I like this level style, and
wanted to build one myself - so here you go!
This was also the first time that I'd seriously gotten
into making textures for a level, and man was it hard. I
certainly now have a new-found and deep respect for the
real texture artists out there. So it was a learning
experience all round, but that's part of the reason why I
do this kind of thing.
To lessen the problem of the railgun dominating the map,
there is a RG trap that you can activate. Shoot the light
on the underside of the RG platform when someone makes a
dash for it, and watch that turkey burn. There is a 2-second
delay before the trap can be activated again.
NB: I forgot to
include a single-player spawn point in this map, so you need to
make sure the 'deathmatch' flag is set to 1 before you load this level.