[ quake2 maps ] |
A 1-vs-1 tournament deathmatch level
combining long fire-corridors with frantic close-quarters
combat. Gameflow is fast, and the level plays very well
with Gladiator bots. Various shortcuts exist for those
who can rocket-, ramp-, circle- and strafe-jump.
The weathered arena lies desolate under the blood-red
Stroggos sunset, battered through decades of relentless
deathmatching. Although it has seen better days, it
remains the ideal place to settle personal differences...Quake
This level contains a powerup called the 'power screen'.
For those players unfamiliar with this item, it's
basically a toned-down version of the infamous power
shield. The power screen absorbs much less damage than
the shield, and then only from frontal attacks. To use
this powerup, you need to bind a key to "use power